Lukas Strauß
Lukas Strauß, M. Sc.
CO2 Reduktion durch Brenndauerverkürzung – Optische Untersuchungen der Verbrennung in einer Hochdruck-Hochtemperatur-Kammer
(Drittmittelfinanzierte Gruppenförderung – Teilprojekt)Titel des Gesamtprojektes: CO2 Reduktion durch Brenndauerverkürzung
Laufzeit: 1. Oktober 2022 - 31. März 2025
Mittelgeber: AIF Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller ForschungsvereinigungenIm konventionellen Dieselbrennverfahren besteht weiteres Wirkungsgradpotential in der Reduzierung der Wandwärmeverluste und in der Verkürzung der Brenndauer. Mit Blick auf potentielle Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Brenndauer besteht noch grundlegender Forschungsbedarf.
Der Brennverlauf in Dieselmotoren lässt sich in drei Zeitanteile unterteilen:
- Der erste Zeitanteil der Verbrennung läuft in der Regel vorgemischt und damit recht schnell (d.h. mit hoher Wärmefreisetzungsrate) ab. Die Zündung als fortschrittsbestimmender Mechanismus für die Verbrennung ist hierbei vor allem reaktionskinetisch kontrolliert.
- Der zweite Zeitanteil der Verbrennung läuft primär mischungskontrolliert, d.h. kontrolliert durch die makroskopische Turbulenz (Einspritzung und Drall) und durch die auf molekularer Ebende ablaufende Diffusion, ab. Von erheblichem Einfluss ist hierbei die durch die Einspritzung eingebrachte turbulente kinetische Energie. Diese führt insbesondere bei Motoren mit Direkteinspritzung zur einer erheblichen Beschleunigung des Verbrennungsumsatzes.
- Der dritte Zeitanteil wird sowohl von der abklingenden Turbulenz nach dem Einspritzvorgang, sowie von der Diffusion, also den Konzentrationsunterschieden im Gemisch, beeinflusst. Trotz der hohen Temperaturen laufen die Diffusionsprozesse nicht ausreichend schnell ab, so dass sich dieser dritte Zeitanteil der Verbrennung selbst in DI-Dieselmotoren als relativ lang und damit ungünstig für den thermodynamischen Wirkungsgrad erweist. Im Gegensatz zur zweiten Verbrennungsphase fehlt hier vor allem der beschleunigende Anteil durch ein ausreichendes Turbulenzniveau.
Im Projekt werden simulative und experimentelle Untersuchungen über innovative Maßnahmen zur Verkürzung der diffusiven Ausbrennphase in Dieselmotoren durchgeführt.
Kompressionszündung regenerativer Kraftstoffe
(Drittmittelfinanzierte Gruppenförderung – Teilprojekt)Titel des Gesamtprojektes: Injection, mixing, and autoignition of e-fuels for CI engines
Laufzeit: 1. Juni 2020 - 31. Mai 2022
Mittelgeber: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)One part of sustainable future mobility will be e-fuels synthesized using regenerative energy. They provide chemical energy storage and are an important step on the way to controlled, clean, and efficient combustion. However, to convert them back into mechanical power, their physical-chemical behavior in the internal combustion engine needs to be understood and condensed into simulation tools for design. At the same time, certain classes of e-fuels promise to be much more conducive to clean and efficient engine combustion. The target of this project are oxygenated e-fuels for compression-ignition engines.
The project goal is to acquire a better understanding of the spray atomization and ignition of oxygenated e-fuels. Starting from a reference fuel that represents current diesel fuels, the proposed project will focus on oxygenated e-fuels and derived blends. With an array of experimental techniques, the species distribution and temperature field in free jets will be measured quantitatively. CFD simulations and chemical mechanism reduction are used to complement the experimental results. Experiments and simulation in an optically accessible engine then are used to tranfer these transfer to the much more complex boundary conditions of a running engine. Each project partner will perform experiments with the same injectors and boundary conditions, and will first use simple optical techniques to make sure that indeed the spray behaves as in the other laboratories. Based on this common experiment, each partner then contributes additional physical insight with the advanced optical diagnostics or simulation that are the specialty expertise of that research group (e.g., laser-induced fluorescence, Rayleigh and Raman scattering), such that a very complete picture of spray, mixing, and ignition can be assembled.
The research network consists of institutes with a expertise in combustion research using optical diagnostics and multidimensional simulations. The Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics at Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU/GER), the Combustion Research Facility at Sandia National Laboratories (SANDIA/USA), and the Institute for Combustion and Gas Dynamics at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE/GER) all will measure the temperature and species distribution in the fuel jet, but each with different optical methods to minimize overall experimental uncertainties. They will also image several indicators of cold-stage and hot-stage ignition. The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU/CHN) will derive chemical kinetic models as an input for simulations at the Institute of Powertrains and Automotive Technology at Vienna University of Technology (TUW/AUT). Their CFD simulation will be validated against the experiment, but will also provide additional information that is not accessible by experiments. The project will be guided by an advisory board from industry with representatives from both SMEs and larger companies.
The main expected result is the promotion of innovations in the field of renewable-energy storage. Such innovations will create additional demand in chemical process engineering, catalysis, and process equipment for synthetic fuel design and production. The experimental and numerical methods developed in the proposed research project will help the R&D in high-tech companies specialized in measurement technologies, optical systems, and simulation of reactive flows. In these areas, major developments and market contributions are provided by small and medium size enterprises (SME).Injection, mixing, and autoignition of e-fuels for CI engines
(Drittmittelfinanzierte Gruppenförderung – Teilprojekt)Titel des Gesamtprojektes: Injection, mixing, and autoignition of e-fuels for CI engines
Laufzeit: 1. Oktober 2019 - 30. September 2021
Mittelgeber: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
URL: that use regenerative energy will be an important part of future sustainable mobility. They will provide chemical storage of volatile renewable energies and show a huge potential to deliver controlled, clean and efficient combustion for future vehicles. However, their physical-chemical behavior in the internal combustion engine needs to be understood and implemented in simulation tools to reach optimum efficiency and close to zero emissions. Especially oxygenated e-fuels promise to be conducive to clean combustion. Compression ignition (CI) engines offer highest efficiencies but suffer from complex combustion situations in the aim of lowest emissions. This project contributes to sustainable mobility by providing the detailed understanding of the behavior the oxygenated e-fuels in compression-ignition engines.
Methanol – n-dodecane dual-fuel direct-injection combustion under compression ignition conditions in a constant flow chamber
ICLASS 2024 - 16th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Shanghai, 23. Juni 2024 - 27. Juni 2024) , , , , :
Comparison of Different Injector Nozzles for the Utilization of Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers
In: SAE Technical Papers 1 (2024), Art.Nr.: 2024-01-4297
ISSN: 0148-7191
DOI: 10.4271/2024-01-4297 , , , , :
Influence of injection pressure on ignition delay and lift-off length of eFuels
ICLASS 2024 - 16th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Shanghai, 23. Juni 2024 - 27. Juni 2024) , , , :
Einspritzung, Mischung und Selbstzündung von E-Kraftstoffen für kompressionsgezündete Motoren
In: MTZ Motortechnische Zeitschrift 85 (2024), S. 58-61
ISSN: 0024-8525
DOI: 10.1007/s35146-023-1573-z , , , :
Injection, Mixing and Auto-ignition of E-fuels for Compression Ignition Engines
In: MTZ worldwide 85 (2024), S. 54-57
ISSN: 2192-9114
DOI: 10.1007/s38313-023-1569-6 , , , :
Numerical study of novel OME1−6 combustion mechanism and spray combustion at changed ambient environments
In: Frontiers of Energy (2024)
ISSN: 2095-1701
DOI: 10.1007/s11708-024-0926-8 , , , , , , :
Methane Concentration Influence on Combustion in a Rapid Compression Machine under DFICE Relevant Conditions
In: Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation 13 (2023)
ISSN: 2163-2405
DOI: 10.17265/2159-5275/2023.02.003 , , , , , :
Investigation of Fuel Sprays Using an IR-based Measurement Technique
11th International Conference “Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion” (Aachen, 23. Mai 2023 - 25. Mai 2023) , , :
Mixture formation of OME3−5 and 1-Octanol in comparison with diesel-like Dodecane under ECN Spray A conditions
In: Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 9 (2023)
ISSN: 2297-3079
DOI: 10.3389/fmech.2023.1083658 , , :
Mixture Formation Analysis for Diesel, n-Dodecane, RME, and HVO in Large-Scale Injector Nozzles
CO2 Reduction for Transportation Systems Conference (Turin, 21. Juni 2022 - 22. Juni 2022)
DOI: 10.4271/2022-37-0020
URL: , , , , :
Investigations on an active pre-chamber ignition system in a combustion chamber
In: International Journal of Engine Research (2022)
ISSN: 1468-0874
DOI: 10.1177/14680874221120140 , , , , :
Mixture Formation and Ignition of Dodecane and OME3-5
5. FJRG Tagung - Kraftstoffe für die Mobilität von Morgen (Waischenfeld, 30. Juni 2022 - 1. Juli 2022) , , , :
Mixture Formation and Ignition of Dodecane and OME3-5
10th International Conference “Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion” (Aachen, 10. Mai 2022 - 12. Mai 2022) , , , :
Mixture Formation of OME3-5 and 1-Octanol in comparison to diesel-like Dodecane under ECN Spray A Conditions
COMODIA2022 (Sapporo, 5. Juli 2022 - 8. Juli 2022) , , , :
Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Ignition Behavior of OME
In: Energies 15 (2022), Art.Nr.: 6855
ISSN: 1996-1073
DOI: 10.3390/en15186855 , , , , , :
In: Atomization and Sprays 30 (2020), S. 843-859
ISSN: 1044-5110
DOI: 10.1615/AtomizSpr.2020035250
URL:,2cbfd3431f4f92c4,1170247835c242b7.html , , , , , :
Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers as chemical hydrogen storage – Opportunities and challenges of reconversion into electricity with combustion engines
13. Tagung Gasfahrzeuge - eine nachhaltige Alternative (Stuttgart, 19. Oktober 2019 - 20. Oktober 2019) , , , :